Winner of the 2021 Australian Tapestry Design Prize for Architects
“Challenging the perception of Australia as a uniform, static landmass, Time Shouts, the 2021 winner of the Australian Tapestry Workshop's Tapestry Design Prize for Architects, reveals deeper geological and cultural relationships expressed through the materials and processes of tapestry making”
_ Union Magazine
‘Time Shouts’ tells the story of the period of time between present day to the break-up of the ancient Gondwanan continent. This part of Australia is often referred to by Geologists as the Tasmanides, but its exact location and even its existence is contested. It could be said that the eastern boundary of this tapestry is the mythical coastline of Gondwana.
‘Time Shouts’ is a banner of hope that could foreground some important conversations about the way we occupy ground through time.
As architects we should take the time to understand the story of the continent we are pouring footings into.